From alum Michael Pavlak

President Leebron,

After reading your form letter, I feel that I must clarify a stance myself and many of my fellow Rice alumns passionately maintain. Since the closing years of Mr. Gillis’ presidency, the administration has eroded the very foundations of the Rice undergraduate experience, from class size to student involvement to opening campus to independent concessions to the rape of the little remaining green space. The deceitful sale of the KTRU broadcast license and transmitter was merely the straw that broke the camel’s back.

I cannot condone the actions of the administration and stand by my commitment to withhold all future contributions to the university. I can no longer promote in any way your systematic dismantling of what was once a unique and singular institution.

I would invite you to reference the KPFT-aired discussion on the community impact of your decision if you do not believe your actions will cause any lasting damage to the greater Houston cultural climate.


Michael J. Pavlak
Martel ’06
Editor-in-Chief, Rice Campanile 2004-2005
