Coverage of KTRU vs. KUHF

KUHF vs KTRU coverageThese circles show the broadcasting ranges of KUHF and KTRU. If you don’t currently receive KTRU, you won’t receive the proposed new all-classical station.

Image copyright Bill Rankin /



  1. rick schuffler

    it’s just depressing. keep fighting the good fight, guys – im doing all i can to stir up interest in this cause… i have far too many fond memories of KTRU to let this sneak past.

  2. S

    That’s pretty compelling. There are pretty few winners in this deal, especially among listeners.
    Just picked up my poster at Sig’s – everyone come get them!

  3. Ashley Gautreaux

    That just breaks my heart. Save my station!!!!

  4. Heidi B.

    Great graphic. I had never heard of radical cartography before – interesting website.