Archive for August, 2010

Ray in Exile: KTRU and me

“KTRU was the driving force that would eventually propel me through six years and two college degrees. My best lifelong friends are all people I met at KTRU. And together we learned about music, about business, about media and promotions and organization and scheduling and budgeting. We learned how to deal with people, how to compromise and reach consensus.”

Read the full post here >

From Alum Josh Levin

Working at KTRU was by far one of the most exciting parts of my latter two years as a Rice undergrad. I applied to be a DJ almost on a whim, and, not knowing much about ‘weird’ music, I was slightly surprised to be offered a slot. KTRU truly expanded my idea of what music programming can be; why not play a song with cats meowing, followed by local punk, followed by classic jazz, followed by Rajasthani wedding music…ad infinitum. In this era of Clear Channel and converging media, it is incredible that there is a terrestrial radio station playing Japanese avant-garde classical music and cicadas chirping, local singer-songwriters and French MCs, guitars from Chad and drums from Martel. One of KTRU’s most impressive facets is its lovingly-built collection of reviews for DJs to refer to– every single record or CD is annotated by a current or previous DJ. Through this system, DJs can experiment and educate by playing music they may not be familiar with. If KTRU becomes online-only, artists and labels will stop sending material to the station, and the impressive, ever-evolving library will become frozen in August 2010.

KTRU has also had a profound effect on my life as a musician (though perhaps that word should be in quotes). It was their Battle of the Bands that inspired two friends and I to finally pick up our instruments and make some music. Much to our surprise (and to the surprise of many listening, no doubt) we won the contest, and got to play KTRU’s outdoor show before hundreds of Houstonians, still one of the most exihilarating moments of my young life. We recorded a CD and it got played on KTRU. I am hard-pressed to think of another radio station that would have played our homespun, heartfelt, but thoroughly unpolished music, but that’s what KTRU does– endlessly supports the community around it. I had the chance to participate in the Battle of the Bands the year after that, too, and both years I was amazed by the diversity and passion expressed through the music other Rice students had to offer. A diminished KTRU would mean that these opportunities would be diminished.

KTRU gave me the ability to feel empowered through music both as a purveyor and a creator, and I know it’s done the same for countless other students. I live in Boston now– a city with a stronger cultural reputation than Houston– and there is nonetheless no radio station here that even comes close to the eclecticism of KTRU. Losing KTRU is a loss for students and the non-student DJs who contribute so much to the station, a stark loss for the people of Houston, and even a loss for society at large, where so few comparable institutions exist.

KTRU has always stood by Rice, so let’s show that Rice stands by KTRU. To KTRU be true.

Josh Levin, Will Rice College ’09
KTRU dj ’08-09

From Alum Steve Phillips

I am an alumnus of Rice and as a former KTRU staff member. I graduated from Rice in 1987 with two degrees, a B.S. in Electrical Engineering and a B.A. in Mathematical  Science.

During my time at Rice I served as a DJ at KTRU and I assisted with the maintenance of the station. I knew many people who devoted uncounted hours of voluntary service to KTRU. KTRU served as a nexus for those within the Rice community who wanted to reach out to others and to connect to the community “beyond the hedges”. Contact between staffers at KTRU, KUHT, and KPFT was common. Quality programming and service to the larger Houston community were important to all of us, but the joy of connecting to people, especially the positive feedback from the community, was what made most of us continue.

The decision to sell KTRU’s spectrum rights, along with the transmitter and the KTRU’s rights to use the tower, is ill considered. It is insenstive to the thousands of volunteers who devoted uncounted hours to the station. It is, frankly, offensive, and feels like a decision that could only have been made by an outsider – by someone who does not value the things that make Rice the rich, diverse community that it so clearly is.

KTRU is more than an economic asset. It is a part of Rice.

Steve Phillips, ’87

Sign our new electronic petition

Even if you signed the first online petition, please sign this one as well. We will remove duplicate names, but we need your full information on this one.

From Alum David Collins

Random, if imperfect, memories of exhilaration from 1980-85 at KTRU:

Midnight, April Fools Day, 1984: For about an hour KTRU became Tru 92 and went “commercial,” aping the format of top-40 station KKBQ 93Q. We practically made up the whole thing as we went, including drafting copy for the bogus adverts.

Another April Fools moment: Jonathan Sadow feigning dyslexia and parodying his own long-winded sports reports.

Laurie Anderson dropping in, before her show at Hamman Hall, for an interview, causing the temperature and the lighting to get just a bit warmer.

Getting a little B & D from the S & M show during my Friday evening Calendar broadcast: Shawn (or was it Hope?) and Marilyn found some patch cables and started binding me to the chair with them.

Fall 1980: After two weeks off the air, KTRU got a boost from 340 to a screaming 650 watts, and President Norman Hackerman read the sign-on.

The Butthole Surfers interview, which I did not conduct: “We used to be the 7-Foot Worms That Generate Their Own Food. Before that, we were the 9-Foot Worms That Generate Their Own Food.”

Interviewing John Cage and Allen Ginsberg in the same week.

Interviewing Roky Erickson without really knowing how to interview Roky Erickson.

Interviewing John Cale without knowing what a nasty drunk he could be. Months later, after a shift at KPFT, I would find myself drinking with Cale’s friend & fellow Velvet Underground alumnus, Professor Sterling Morrison.

Interviewing Congressman Ron Paul and 1980 Libertarian presidential nominee Ed Clarke, as well as driving around on Election Night to get interviews with winners and losers.

The Judy’s playing the RMC Grand Hall.

The Dishes playing the RMC Grand Hall.

Producing a short-lived sketch comedy show “Buffoons for Non-Majors,” much of the material for which I later discovered was adapted from other comedy shows.

Experimental summer replacement show “MusicAztlan,” my first swing of the bat as program director.

Ray Shea: “You can say ‘suck’ on the air; you just can’t say ‘blow job’.”

The first “Treasure of the Sixties” broadcasts, discovering great rock & roll that KILT would have played only after my bedtime when I was a kid.

Reggae, women’s music, ’50s music, hardcore punk and a few other specialties got their own shows; “Chicken Skin Music” had a few years under its belt already.

Discovering what KTRU’s music meant to young gays & lesbians in Houston, and that many of those ’80s bands (especially the British bands) featured gay & lesbian musicians.

Using KTRU as home base for a summer electronics project, wherein some buddies and I built & programmed a drum machine consisting of a sequencer built from Radio Shack parts, a Korg MS-20 synthesizer, and a couple of reel-to-reel tape decks.

Theme sets that could have lasted hours but for having to work in a quota of playlist tracks.

The Eclectic playlist.

Celebrating the end of the calendar year by playing the 40 most overplayed tracks of the year, all of which would then be placed on the Overplayed list and thus off limits for a week.

Martha & the Muffins: Best Canadian band you’ve never heard of.

Hearing King Crimson’s “Discipline” and Peter Gabriel’s “Security” for the first time on those bitchin’ Klipsch speakers.

Playing New Age music before anybody called it that.

And that’s only about half of it.

David Collins

Lovett 1984

Houston Press: Photos from Save KTRU protest

View all of the photos on the Houston Press website >

From Alum Aaron Reese

I attended Rice University from 2003-2007 and was a KTRU DJ for that entire time, barring O-week.  As many have already written in, I arrived at Rice a little shy – like many of my peers.  I have a pretty bad stutter, which normally prevents me from speaking in public.  Many of you know me and have heard me talk, so you know what I’m talking about.  During O-week, I saw posters around to join KTRU.  Radio has a very specific draw for new students – the mysterious “DJ Booth” that transports your voice, your music, your feelings out to a vast audience.  It’s really an incredible thing.  The internet is a great thing, but the radio is like magic.  I applied, interviewed, and lucked out.  I got a 4-7 am spot on Tuesday night – those first few nights in the DJ booth were nervewracking for me.  I knew how bad my stutter was, and it was worse when I got nervous.  Yet I played music I had never heard before, and at 4 in the morning I got calls from weirdos, other students, random Houstonians telling me “good job” for stuttering through my performance.  They admired my gumption to get on the air regardless. I spoke to other stutterers who offered advice, too.  Those first few morning shifts cemented my love of KTRU.  KTRU was where I went for friendship, company, and the quiet refuge of the ears of millions of Houstonians.

Many people have spoken about how KTRU has expanded their musical tastes.  This is true.  I never would have gone to a Polysics concert, and heard a tiny japanese man perform “my sharona” in a garage in a suburb of Houston while screaming into a vocoder.  But, in all honesty, the music was secondary.  A radio station – an FM radio station, not an internet station – has real responsibility.  There are FCC regulations to follow, you gotta follow some rules, bend others, and do so with the knowledge that your good, your bad, and your everything is being beamed into space at the speed of light.  I kept DJing, and I loved the friends I made and I loved how confident I felt at the DJ booth.  I loved coming on the air just to say “K-T-R-U Houston” every hour on the hour.  I became Sultan of Stick just to get involved, and wound up becoming Program Director and eventually Station Manager.  Being station manager of KTRU put me at the helm of a ship with over 100 crew members.  We had Will R as our astrolabe, a man whose dedication to college radio is unquestionable but who let us lead and make our own mistakes and successes, which I will forever thank him for.  But our crew made the ship.  Imagine how crazy it is for me, a 20-something year old student, to be the ostensible “Boss” of some of the DJs who have been at KTRU longer than I’ve been alive!  But that responsibility – to keep the station running, on the airwaves, to keep the DJs happy, to put on the best shows and the best music – is huge.  It feels huge.  And it feels huge because it is radio.  Real consequences.  Internet radio just doesn’t have the same responsibility, but dead air? God forbid.  I had some real lessons in leadership in that job.  But to think that the stammering gentle giant that had walked through the Sallyport could be where I was? I wouldn’t have believed you.

I have to thank Matt W for organizing the Outdoor show that year with Ratatat.  He did a lot of legwork, and we all did a lot of work on that show, but for me to stand in front of a massive crowd, next to one of my favorite bands, and blast their eardrums out will forever be etched in my memory as my crowning accomplishment (even though Matt and a lot of other people deserve way more credit) at Rice.  From my experience in the student leadership at KTRU I later got a job wherein my interviewer specifically cited my “previous management experience.”

What I’m trying to get at here is that KTRU made me who I am today, and that isn’t an exaggeration.  Without that experience, I’m not sure if I could speak in public.  But when I put those headphones on, and say those magic words “K-T-R-U Houston, 91.7 FM”…it’s f@#$#@^% awesome.  KTRU is so much my Rice experience.  I would never have believed that we could be sold up the creek like we have, and as a result I have suspended all future donations to the school, as many others have.  That really hurts me – I met my fiancee at Rice, I’m getting married at Rice, so many of my friends are at Rice.  I love that school but I love it because it promotes “Uncommon Wisdom.” But when that wisdom becomes common cynical bartering, I’m through. Even though I’m not in Houston at the moment, my dream is to return and get on the air again.  Save me a spot on that chair that says “NICE ASS KTRU”.

Love to you all,
Aaron Reese
Sid Rich class of 2007

From Alum Steven Bailey

I began listening to KTRU while a senior in high school, and became a DJ during freshman week the next year, a few days before matriculation.

That year I became assistant sports director at KTRU, which quickly led to becoming the first freshman sports editor of the Rice Thresher.

I also published Rice Radio Folio during my freshman year at Rice. It was a lesson in humility and teamwork taught to a former high school BMOC by a staff that begrudgingly accepted a loud-mouthed, arrogant freshman into the station.

I had a regular radio shift, Mondays 4-7, but I took on any shift that I could when someone needed a co-worker to fill in. On my usual shift I played mostly punk, new wave, and reggae, but I also covered jazz, classical, women’s music, and even chicken skin shifts.

My two fondest memories of being a KTRU DJ follow. One night I was covering a late Friday night shift, and playing lots of fast music, not going on mic except at the top of the hour, as required by the FCC. After going on mic at midnight, I started the next hour with music from the playlist, as required by station policy. It was slower than what I had been playing.

The phone rang. The guy on the other end was breathing heavily. It took him at least a minute to say, “Why … did … you … stop?” Eventually he explained there was a huge party at his house, and they were all dancing to the music I was playing. The endorphins were flying off the walls.

On May 11, 1981, I volunteered to cover the 10 pm to 1 am shift for a DJ who had a hot date. That day, Bob Marley died. I decided to break station policy, and at midnight, to play a full hour of Marley. The Music Director popped into the control room around 11 pm, and told me he was getting lots of phone calls asking for a tribute to Marley, maybe play two or three songs.

I told him, “Jim, the whole hour from midnight to one is going to be Marley.”

KTRU was the only radio station in Houston to recognize the passing of Bob Marley. Today, Marley is on juke boxes and karaoke lists in every bar. In 1981, only one station in Houston would play Bob Marley: 91.7 fm KTRU Rice Radio Houston.

Steven Bailey

WRC 83

KTRU 79-82

Thresher 80-82

From Alum Dana Rowan

I’ve donated to Rice regularly since I graduated in 2002, and I’m currently a RAVA admissions interviewer.  I loved my time at Rice and am quick to tell people what a great school it is.

It is because I love Rice that I am extremely disappointed by the sale of KTRU’s broadcast capabilities.  As a student at Rice and a Houston resident for two years after I graduated, I was a regular KTRU listener.  Although some of the music played on KTRU isn’t to my taste, much of what is played is really fantastic and completely inaccessible through other media outlets. I was always heartened that there was a radio station that had the freedom to play things that I (and others in Houston) would never have had access to otherwise. I was especially proud that KTRU was a Rice institution, and that students I knew in college and funded through my scholarship donations had the opportunity to be involved in such an amazing endeavor.

Rice attracts talented and energetic students and provides them with tools and experiences that shape the course of their lives.  I do not want it to become an institution focused only on producing graduates with sound job prospects, but also graduates with an interest and enthusiasm for community involvement, service, and the arts.  KTRU provided a rare opportunity to engage with the larger Houston community, and its relegation to the internet (which is only accessed by a select group of music listeners) will be a great loss to Rice students and Houstonians.

Thank you for your time,
Dana Rowan
Baker ’02

From Alum Susan Mulligan

I am a Rice grad, biochemistry Jones ’80.  I was not a KTRU radio announcer, did not hold a job there or know anybody on staff at the radio station when I was there years ago.  I did listen to KTRU when I was an undergrad…to support the arts.  I enjoyed it to stay in touch with the Rice community, to hear about issues and to enjoy the music.  Supporting the arts and being involved in my community have always had great importance to me, which I attribute in part to my undergraduate education at Rice.    I have always been glad to have KTRU in the Houston community, as a means to communicate with the surrounding radio public audience about Rice.

This debate is not about the type of music which KTRU currently plays or the quality of their DJ announcers.  KTRU serves both the surrounding radio audience in the Houston area and the Rice community itself.  The impending sale of this priceless commodity is short-sighted in my opinion, and does not resonate with my idea of the Rice community.   I am very proud of my undergraduate education at Rice, and I am sickened by this decision.

Susan (Lopez) Mulligan MD

Jones ‘80

From Alum Judith Yunis

Dear Save KTRU,

My name is Judith Yunis (Jones College, 2006).  My memories of KTRU stretch back to when I was a little kid.  My dad has been a professor at Rice since 1987.  KTRU has been a part of our family since then.  My dad was never directly involved at KTRU and I wasn’t either when I attended Rice.  But when I think of home, of growing up, KTRU is often playing in the background.  KTRU was on when my dad was grilled steak on Sunday nights (usually the baseball game).  It was often on in the car when my mom picked me up from school.  When the student DJ’s came on, sounding so serious and independent and ironic I remember getting excited about attending Rice one day myself.

Please do not sell KTRU.  KTRU is Rice.  KTRU is a quintessential Rice institution.  It is quirky and smart and weird and interesting.  I am proud to be a Rice alum and I know my dad is proud to work for an institution that is almost always serious about maintaining its integrity and making meaningful contributions to the world.  Selling KTRU– particularly in the underhanded, secretive way negotiations have thus far been conducted– silences a voice of the students and of the Rice community.  Rice needs to consider whether shutting down KTRU– a medium for the Rice community and Houston at large to freely express and exchange ideas– is really worth $9.5 million.


Judith Yunis

Rice student television rtv5: Save KTRU rally

View Sunday’s protest on the rtv5 website.

NonAlignment Pact: Another open letter to Leebron

“As an internet-only broadcaster KTRU would be one of thousands of options and available only to those with constant access to a computer. New music producers with limited budgets would be unlikely to supply KTRU with access to their music for free because KTRU would lack a unique position the market.”

Read the full post here >

Ernesto Aguilar: Four Issues Not Discussed Enough in the Fight to Save KTRU

“The loss of KTRU would be a real tragedy for Houston. Free Press documents a pitiful history of media consolidation happening today, including the proposed NBC/Comcast merger that will affect many communities. On the noncommercial media side, classical radio station WCAL and listeners’ failed fight against Minnesota Public Radio to halt MPR from taking over the local highlight area worries over public radio groups silencing smaller stations. However, such public concern hasn’t stopped the Corporation for Public Broadcasting to push for greater consolidation, to the detriment of the public interest.”

Read the full post here >

Blog post From Robert Boyd

This is my blog post on KTRU. It includes a lot of photo from the protest on Sunday. Please feel free to use the text and the pictures any way you like!