Homecoming Event Times

Come support saving KTRU this Homecoming weekend. Find us all over campus this weekend spreading the word about how to help us save KTRU!

Save KTRU Homecoming weekend schedule:

12:00pm – 5:00pm: Join us in the Grand Hall Lobby in the RMC Friday afternoon
5:00pm – 2:00am: We will be hanging out at Valhalla all night decked out in our Save KTRU t-shirts to spread the word to alumni about what is happening to our station and how they can help. Come join us for a beer and enlightening conversation!

11:00am – 2:00pm: TAILGATE! KTRU will have a dedicated section in the parking lot by the stadium for our tailgate, complete with music, a hot dog truck, and FREE SHIRTS! Be sure to come by and grab a shirt to wear into the football game to show your support for KTRU! We want a sea of people in that game with their Save KTRU shirts on!

ALSO, Invite EVERYONE YOU KNOW to this fun time!
