Update on FM broadcast
KTRU student management has received word that KTRU’s broadcast on 91.7 FM will go off the air at 6:00 AM on Thursday, April 28, 2011.
KTRU student management has received word that KTRU’s broadcast on 91.7 FM will go off the air at 6:00 AM on Thursday, April 28, 2011.
a 40 year old institution and source of amazing music gone–to help fund the overly ambition expansion of a university. ugh.
We’ll be drinking to you guys all tomorrow night. way to fight the good fight. fuck the man.
Damn, damn, damn, damn.
This is incredibly sad and enraging.
As the kids would say, “EPIC FAIL!” on the part of the Federal Communications Commission. Between the on-air losses of KTRU and San Fran’s KUSF, the radio dial is that much more desolate.
The “fail” lies at the feet of President Leebron. His failure to involve the greater Rice community in this process is the greatest betrayal of trust that I am aware of in my almost 50 years of association with the University. Since no University funds were ever invested in this enterprise, only student activity fees and free student labor, I’m surprised that the interested parties have not sued to have the University refund it’s ill gotten gains to the rightful parties. No, don’t look at the FCC or the UH or anywhere but the President’s mansion for this. I just hope $10 million is enough to offset the breach of trust that he created, but then again, he is an attorney by trade, so what’s a little breach of trust among friends.
Sadness. Houston’s weird homogeneity in spite of its supposed diversity, has been reinforced again. Sad sad sad.
By the way, KPFT HD2 is a terrible consolation prize. That stream is so inconsistent it’s as if it doesn’t exist.