From local musician Benjamin Wesley

It wasn’t but a week or so ago I almost missed a phone call from a friend of mine. When I answered the phone she was talking rather loudly and said, “I think you are on the radio, but I have never heard this song of yours! Is it you?” She held her phone next to the speaker and sure enough it was a song of mine! It really made my day that I hadn’t missed that phone call and it got me to thinking about what a great opportunity KTRU provides to local musicians in this city and how refreshing it is to have DJ’s that really care about music, locally and beyond. Not a few days later there is news of this unfortunate and bogus deal. If this KTRU thing really happens it will be a big loss to not only us local musicians, but to the many fans we have and hope to make. KTRU is the only station in Houston where you don’t have to surf through modern garbage to find a good tune. It is the only station where you can hear live sessions of great local talent and an abundance of music from all over the world and from every genre. I would very much miss the days of going up to that little room to perform, hangout, listen to great music and meet good people. More importantly I would miss being one of the listeners.

Benjamin Wesley
