Nonalignment Pact: Turn Up The Radio

“I don’t know if some of these people [critiquing KTRU] feel they were rejected by KTRU in some way, or just that they imagine that’s what would’ve happened given the chance, but at any rate, I got in on my second try and quickly realized that no one there had any agenda of trying to out-cool or out-weird anyone else. Rather, it was a group of people passionate about investigating the vast totality of human musical endeavor, who saw no need to pander to artificial or commercially-motivated preconceptions about music. One of the most valuable aspects of being a KTRU DJ was simply realizing how little you knew, and how much there was to learn and enjoy.”

Read the full post here >



  1. John

    Thank goodness that the University of Houston is a more open and transparent University in comparison to Rice; otherwise the Rice Community would not have known of PRC’s involvement in KTRU’s sale. This story has legs; not only is PRC a broker they are also a financier. They organize the issuance of tax-exempt bonds for finacing their deals. Will they underwright the bonds for KTRU’s sale and what will their total take for the deal be? Why does the Rice Administration not want the Rice Community to have this information?

    UH officials have commented that they are getting a good deal because PRC originally valued KTRU at $12 million dollars. Dr.Leebron is selling a student managed and built asset at a loss for expediency of sale. Why leave 2.5 million dollars on the table if this is only about money and hard times as Dr.Leebron contends?

    By self-admission Dr. Leebron has failed in his ethical responsiblities to Rice’s students , alumni and faculty; now we know he has also failed in his fiduciary responsiblities to the University.

    Do we really want a President that pays only lip-service to his own ideals and vision statement. Rice can and must do better than Dr.Leebron as President.

  2. Eileen

    John, I agree 100% but I really hope you write to the thresher with your opinion!