Time to contact Congress

Right now, it’s also extremely important to support KTRU by calling or writing to key Congressional offices, and asking them to put pressure on Rice and U.H. to stop the sale.

Tell them any or all of the following:

  • It’s not in the public interest to allow KTRU to go off the air, which would result from FCC approval of the license transfer.
  • Houston is better served by KTRU’s unique locally produced programming than by additional nationally syndicated programs under KUHF/KUHC’s plan.
  • Radio is important to you, and shouldn’t be viewed as a “declining asset”.
  • Rice & U.H. formulated their deal in secret, preventing any input from the students, faculty or alumni of either university, or the station itself, or the Houston community.
  • There has been an accelerating trend of NPR stations gobbling up community radio stations across the country, leading to less locally produced programming.

The most important offices to contact are:

We have written a sample letter to aid you in this endeavor. Feel free to use it (in whole or in part) in your own letter or email, or just as guidance for your own email, letter, or telephone call. Also, for easy copy/paste action, please click here for the sample letter as a RTF file (rich text file), which should open in most text editors, such as WordPad, TextEdit, or Microsoft Word.

Please note: Replace the bracketed text with the appropriate information. If contacting Senator Hutchison, further change the text as appropriate (i.e. “Senate Office Building”, “United States Senate”, “Dear Senator”).

The Honorable [Full name]
[Room #] [Office building name] House Office Building
United States House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515

I am writing to you to express my strong opposition to the University of Houston System’s purchase of KTRU, Rice University’s student radio station. As someone who cares deeply about the Greater Houston community and importance of free speech, I implore you to use your influence to communicate to the University of Houston and Rice University that the license transfer should be stopped.

Rice University students founded the university’s FM radio station, KTRU 91.7 FM, in 1971. Ever since, it has served the greater Houston community with its unique programming. KTRU has also provided students with irreplaceable media training and leadership opportunities. The University of Houston plans to eliminate KTRU’s locally-produced programming and replace it with nationally syndicated programs produced by National Public Radio, the BBC, and other networks with limited connection to the Houston community.

The Rice University administration and the University of Houston reached an agreement to sell KTRU’s license and transfer through a secret process with no student or community input. Rice University President David Leebron justified the sale on the basis that KTRU is a “declining asset”, yet he made no attempt to work with the student management to find ways to increase the station’s value or seek other opportunities to obtain more value from the university’s licensed radio spectrum. Radio is more valuable than ever, and I do not want to lose KTRU’s important voice.

The proposed radio license transfer is currently being considered by the Federal Communications Commission.

Please immediately communicate to the University of Houston and Rice University that the license transfer should be stopped.


[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[Your Phone Number]
[Your Email Address]
