Contact Rice administration
Let Rice University and University of Houston know how much you oppose the sale of KTRU’s frequency and transmitter! Please be active but civil.
- Rice University President: David Leebron <> 713-348-5050
- Rice Office of Resource Development:
<> 713-348-4600 - Rice Vice President for Administration: Kevin Kirby <> 713-348-6040
- Rice Dean of Undergraduates: John Hutchinson <> 713-348-4996
- Rice Board of Trustees:
What you might say:
“Hello, this is [NAME & RICE AFFILIATION/YEAR/COLLEGE]. I am calling to voice my strong disapproval of the pending sale of KTRU-FM assets to UofH. After being informed fully of the facts, it is clear that the Administration of Rice and Board of Trustees are proceeding in a manner contrary to the ethics and standards of openness becoming of a world-class University. In particular… [PICK ONE OR MORE]
1. The deal has been conducted in secret, without consultation or informing the Rice community.
2. Online broadcasting is a poor substitute and in fact, KTRU has been available online for many years.
3. Rice students—setting aside the “internships” KUHC will offer—will no longer have the opportunity to learn leadership, management and communications skills in a hands-on environment.
4. The deal heavily discounts the worth of KTRU to Rice students and the Houston community.
5. The deal sets a disturbing precedent for Rice, treating organizations that lack commercially popular metrics of success as assets that can be liquidated.
This is a breach of trust and a violation that is unacceptable to me as member of the wider Rice family. If the sale proceeds as described, I can not donate to Rice or participate in any alumni activities. And it saddens me, but I will no longer, in good conscience, be able to recommend Rice to the students of tomorrow.
I call upon the administration of Rice University to return FM broadcast capability to the hands of KTRU immediately and to work to restore trust with its student leaders.
Rice University also has a Board of Trustees. If Rice President David Leebron refuses to listen, perhaps he will listen to the Rice University Board of Trustees. To see who they are, click here:
Board of Trustees Staff
440 Allen Center
Mail: Office of the President-MS 1
Phone: 713-348-5048
Fax: 713-348-5010
could not send my email to dr leebron with your link.
just fyi. i will send to him as soon as i get correct address.
susan mulligan md jones college ’80
Looks like there was an unintendend period in the mailto link. is the correct address.
As a house Dj from Chicago, I have to say- moving to Houston shocked me wen I first turned on the radio! Lots of country! Now, I am sad because rice had some tight beats on there. That was the best sation in the city, now we have to look beyond local stations to go global for good house, hip hop, techno, and soul. I suggest my soundcloud page, or beatport- to stay up to date with good electronic music!